City digitalization: why and how


In the ever-evolving landscape of urban development, the imperative to transform cities into digital ecosystems is underscored by the unparalleled benefits they offer, enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and citizen well-being.

This speech aims to elucidate the intrinsic value of digital cities and provide a roadmap for their realization, addressing the ’why’ by exploring the multifaceted advantages, and delving into the ’how’ with a focus on technological integration accessible to both engineers and product managers. By embracing a holistic approach that harmonizes technology, data, and urban infrastructure, we can pave the way towards a future where digital cities not only redefine urban living but also foster innovation and resilience on a global scale.



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Maged Elhamady

Digitalization & Production Regional Manager specialized in Digital Twin and Digital Construction. Worked and supported organizations in mega projects with +5 years of experience.

Certified from Autodesk (ACP) in Revit & AutoCAD. Holds an accreditation for BIM according to ISO 19650 with excellent experience in digital delivery & information management. Accredited from ABET, USA and certified Engineer in the UAE with a SOE membership. Won several honors & awards including Autodesk Ambassador Silver. Love to share all knowledge gained during the last years in previous practices with all team members to facilitate full collaboration and coordination.

Key dominant areas are BIM & GIS.

Digitalization & Production Regional Manager specialized in Digital Twin and Digital Construction. Worked and supported organizations in mega projects with +5 years of experience.

Certified from Autodesk (ACP) in Revit & AutoCAD. Holds an accreditation for BIM according to ISO 19650 with excellent experience in digital delivery & information management. Accredited from ABET, USA and certified Engineer in the UAE with a SOE membership. Won several honors & awards including Autodesk Ambassador Silver. Love to share all knowledge gained during the last years in previous practices with all team members to facilitate full collaboration and coordination.

Key dominant areas are BIM & GIS.

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